Penghantaran dari Malaysia ke Singapore

Jenis Parsel Keberatan Pertama 0.5kg Keberatan Seterusnya 0.5kg
MYR 25.90 MYR 7.90
* Timeline (Hari berkerja saja) 7 Hari berkerja
Jenis Parsel Minima 0.3 CBM 0.1 CBM seterursnya
MYR 120 MYR 40
Each 1 CBM MYR 400.00
* Timeline (Hari berkerja saja) 7 Hari berkerja
  1. All the rate quoted is included all charges, except oversea shipment may subjected to tax.
  2. All shipment and delivery undertaken by are subjected to the Standard Conditions of Carriage that stated on the
  3. The liability of the company is limited to a maximum amount of RM300.00 (Parcel), whichever is lower.
  4. Any claim of lost document / parcel must be reported in writing within 7 days from the date it is posted.
  5. Volumetric measurement is applied for East Malaysia & International shipment. Final calculation will is based on either volumetric or actual weight (whichever is higher)
  6. Each international courier must attach with commercial invoice
  7. All declaration must be true and correct. Any incorrect declaration may cause the goods to be confiscated, or get compund, or get taxed or all of above. All confiscated goods is not entitle for compensation. The authority reserves the right to make any changes and final decision. Additional tax or compound must be bear by sender before the parcel is released.
  8. Delivery time to Singapore is 7 working days
  9. Life plant and life animal are not under compensation if it is die during transportation.
Prohibited Goods (Goods you are NOT allowed to send)
  1. Animals (including insects, hatching eggs)
  2. Bullion
  3. Counterfeit or pirated goods
  4. Currency
  5. Dangerous goods, hazardous or combustible materials
  6. Drugs and narcotics (illegal)
  7. Firearms, weapons, ammunition (including replicas)
  8. Human remains (including ashes)
  9. Irreplaceable items
  10. Knives
  11. Negotiable instruments in Bearer Form
  12. Pornography
  13. Any item(s), the carriage of which is prohibited by any law, regulation or state of any federal, state or local government to or through which the shipment may be carried.
Restricted Goods (Goods that can be sent but with some limitations or restrictions)
  1. Alcoholic beverages (e.g. beer, wine, spirits)
  2. Animal products, plant products and plants (e.g. animal skins, cotton, seeds, teas)
  3. Antiques or Fine Art or Works of Art
  4. Collectibles and/or rare items (any item worth more than its original purchase or that is not commonly available)
  5. Drugs and pharmaceutical products
  6. Foreign lotteries (including circulars)
  7. Fur(s)/ivory/endangered animal products
  8. Industrial diamonds/carbons
  9. Medical samples
  10. Negotiable instruments in Non-bearer Form
  11. Perishable items (e.g. flowers, foodstuffs, items requiring temperature control or special handling)
  12. Precious metals and stones (including jewelry)
  13. Publications (certain types may be restricted by law)
  14. Soil, earth
  15. Tobacco