Categories Products
General Goods Clothes shirts, dresses, denim, T-shirt etc
Shoes & Begs No branding shoes & begs etc
Digital Product Accessories power adapter, usb cable, charges, plastic protector, keyboard protector etc
Phone Accessories casing, phone protector, charm etc
Home & Lifestyle wallpaper, furniture, carpet, water glass, umbrella, creative souvenir, kitchen utensils etc
Babies & Toys babies sits, toys without battery, tableware, baby bottle etc
Printing children books, Picture books, catalogs, scientific and educational books, company brochures, non-sensitive books etc
Sensitive Goods Beauty Products Mask, Perfume, Cosmetics, Facial Cleanser, Nail Polish etc
Medicine Non-state expressly prohibited drugs, health products, weight loss drugs, breast enhancement liquid etc
Electronics Device Any product with battery, mobile phone, power bank etc
Home Appliances Blenders, vacuum cleaners, TV sets, household appliances with batteries etc
Adult Products Vibrators, condoms, inflatable dolls, sex organ simulations etc
Foods Snacks, tea, milk powder, biscuits, chocolate, kitchen processing supplies etc

** If you are not sure, please contact customer service